Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Week 3 - Technology in the Classroom

Watch the Technology youtubes on the right. We viewed some of these videos in class but some of them we did not. Please make sure that you have viewed each video either in class or through the blog. Reflect upon what you saw. What are your thoughts about technology in the classroom? How could the Amazon Kindle change typical textbooks in the future? Please share an example of how a teacher effectively or ineffectively utilized technology in the classroom.


  1. First of all, I have to say "wow". I have a lot to say so forive me for my novel. I am part of the technology generation and I haven't even heard of some of this technology that is in some of the videos. In the "10 Tips for Using Technology in the Classroom" I can see how all of those tools could be effective, especially in the language department and being able to communicate with people around the world. Some instructors might see that as a silly way to teach but doing and seeing is incomparable to sitting in a classroom all day and just hearing about it...In anthropology/sociology and language courses and many other fields, it could be necessary to really talk to people from a certain origin or culture and really get a feel from a native speaker about the trials that their country goes through instead of hearing it in a classroom. In some ways it can be much more effective. I know that once I become an instructor I plan on using almost all of the tools that were suggested in the 10 tips ... except tip # 10 suggests that instructors utilize their students phones and ipods.. I don't know how that can be helpful in a classroom- any suggestions as to how that can be helpful?

    Amazon Kindle- one of my friends had an Amazon Kindle in high school not because it was used in my school but just because she could have one. She would carry it around all the time and read from it whenever she could. I personally think they're super strange but cool at the same time. I could see how they could be useful in a classroom... but probably way more expensive than a $7 book at Borders. If all of the education field starts using the Amazon Kindle, the library will not be of any use, you have access to almost everything from articles to whatever.

    My french teacher used youtube to show us the culture, music, geography, and other basics of the french culture and I thought that was so much more interactive than just sitting there and listening, I could see it for myself. Some people are not visual learners and can see it as a waste of time when they could be doing other things, but I definitely consider myself a visual learner and I thought that she did an excellent job at "engaging" us in the french culture.

    Sorry again for my 5,000 page novel.

  2. I think technology in the classroom can be very helpful to students, if used effectively. If the teacher doesn't do their research and make sure that what they are doing will be helpful, instead of distracting, to the students, than it will be effective. There are times when technology is not going to be my first choice. If I were going to read a book to my children, I would read it to them, not put a tape in the cassette player and have it read it for them. There is a personal sense that is lost when you let technology take over 100% of the time. It is IMPERATIVE to keep the teachers involved in the students learning, so make sure the technology isn't replacing the teacher.

    The amazon kindle is interesting. My uncle has one and absolutely loves it. I think that it is convenient, but also very weird. I like having the textbook in my hands and feeling the pages as I turn them. The kindle would make me feel like I am not getting the whole book, and that I am getting jipped out of the book itself. A book is a book, not a computer.

  3. Technology in the classroom is an effective tool. Some of the videos talked about skype and twitter in the classroom and how effective they were in getting the students engaged. We are at a point in society where it has become a must-have. Just imagine being able to have a lesson in your classroom and at the same time share that lesson with a class in another country. Starting a blog in your classroom would be a tool that parents, students and teachers could use to improve communication. Imagine reading a book to your class from a smartboard and have them interact with that book. That is so exciting, I want to go find a smartboard and try it out!

    Unfortunately when I graduated from high school and first began college technology was floppy disks, text messaging was still folded up pieces of paper and OMG still had 7 letters(or 8 depending on your version). I did however share an experience in class where my history professor gave us an assignment sending email to students in a different college. That was my first experience with email and the first history lesson I truly enjoyed. That professor was popular and his classes always filled up quick.

    The kindle is something I am not crazy about. I love to read books but like Katy I have to feel the book in my hand. I don't think I would get a lot out of an electronic book, however I have never tried it so I should probably not knock it until I have. It is new technology after all.

  4. Lisa,

    I think you have a point, in the fact that blogging with other countries would be beneficial to the student's learning. In that way, technology would be a good thing. If it is used in a well-researched way, technology will be good. We just have to make sure we do not lose contact with our students.

  5. Katie,
    I think it's interesting how you said that technology should not replace the teacher. I definitely agree, it relaly is Imperative for there to be human relations and that students learn respect for a TEACHER not a piece of technology that is placing ideas in their heads.
    Students need to be able to learn the importance of human contact andlearning from other people.

  6. I believe that using technology in the classroom can be beneficial to the students because they can be more involved with what they are learning. The students will become engaged, and not be bored all the time in class. As a teacher, I would use all of the technology that was described in the videos. I am not really sure about the students using the social network twitter, but my physics teacher in high school used a private facebook profile that was just for our class to ask her questions that we didn't understand. I would say that it was very effective for our class. I think the smartboards are a great thing that every teacher should have in a classroom because there are so many things you could use it for, such as: skype, writting, presentations, and much more.

    I am personally not a very big fan of the Kindle. I think could change the way we look at books. I hate thinking that sometime in the future we might not have libraries because all of our book have been digitalized. If I could use one in the classroom, I might just because it could give the students a different setting from just reading a book, and getting bored. It might also help students understand the material better if they are looking at what they are reading differently.

    Like I stated before, my high school physics teacher used facebook to get through to students who were to afraid to ask questions in class. It was effective because if one of the students was going over homework, and didn't understand it they could always chat with her on facebook. In another class in high school, my teacher had an Elmo; which is just like a projector, and she had no idea how to use and it was extremely distracting. I also like this class very much because I would have never looked at blogging as an educational device, and know I love it. I think it is great.

  7. Some of the information in these videos really made me shocked because I am part of the "technology generation" and I didn't even know about some of this stuff. I think using technology in the classroom is a great idea! If I had to choose between listening to my teacher talk or being interactvie with a smart board or blogs, there would be no question what I would choose. This world has become so fast pace and is becoming based on technology that if we don't start intermixing our students are going to fall behind.

    The Amazon Kindle is something new and something that seems to be really effective. For students to be able to access books and documents whenever and where ever is huge. It will help with reading skills and maybe help kids to become more interested in reading instead of watching tv or playing video games.

  8. I can definitely see using technology in the classroom as being both effective and incredibly helpful in getting (and keeping) the kids' attention. I was really impressed with the smartboard and all of the different uses that it had - I think that some of the tools offered on it would probably make a lesson seem more like a game than anything else, and so hopefully make the kids more excited about it. I had a French teacher in highschool that was always putting our homework up online in the form of various games or activities and it cut down on the amount that I dreaded doing the assigments.

    As for the Kindle, I confess I am not really a fan. I am an English Lit major and I really love being able to write notes in my books and underline things I want to remember for later. Not only does this help me remember things but it keeps me engaged with the text while I'm reading. I've heard rumors that those might possibly be features on the Kindle at some future time, but I don't believe that they are now.

  9. In response to Chelsea Martin:
    I completely agree with what you said concerning teachers being more accessible to students when they have facebook, or something similar. I think utilizing social networking sites that people use all of the time helps make students feel more comfortable contacting teachers with questions.

  10. Dana, I have been thinking about the #10 in the ten tips. I can't come up with a good reason to utilize cell phones or ipods in the classroom. I think there are far better ways to get the students engaged. Cell phones just seem to be to much of a distraction.

  11. I think that technology can be a great thing to use in the classroom depending on what it is being used for. Things like youtube can be effective in showing a student something that they cannot visualize themselves, and the smartboard can really help students to become interactive in class and can be much less time consuming than using a chalkboard and having to erase and rewrite things over and over. I feel that this generation is becoming too dependent on technology. What is going to happen when all a teacher is going to be required to do is operate that piece of technology? At the rate we are going I think this could be a possibility, and I ask:

    What if a student has a question about something you were supposed to discuss in class but for whatever reason the piece of technology that was going to be used is not working. Shouldn't a teacher be able to answer most of their student's questions without referring to the internet or different videos? All of this technology is making it much easier for people to seem like they are great teachers but may not know the first thing about the subject. Do you want to send your kids to a school and pay hundreds of thousands of dollars for the school to hire someone to operate a piece of technology that you as a parent would be able to do at home for your children at a much lower cost?

    Amazon Kindle: I feel like this could be a great piece of equipment if it is used moderately. Is there any way to highlight different passages or paragraphs using the kindle? Or what about making side notes on each page? These things, at least in my opinion, have made reading comprehension much easier for myself.

  12. in response to Katie P:

    I agree with you that the teachers should be aware of how their uses of technology are going to affect the students. yes, technology can and usually is helpful, but there are only so many things that a piece of technology can do.

  13. I particularly liked how one teacher used the board to have a geography lesson. I had trouble in school with the placement of countries, so I think that had this technology been around, I would have done better in the subject area. Kindle is a great space saver in my opinion. Books take up a lot of room in the classroom, and kindles would enable the teacher to use the extra space for other things. Kindle would also give student’s access to many books that perhaps they wouldn’t have access to had they not had the kindle. In class I brought up how one teacher had me create a facebook account after reading a book. I was excited to start reading the story so that I could create the account. It was a fun project. We had to create an email that reflected the character, as well as complete quizzes in the mindset of our character, and fill out the personal information. I will definitely incorporate technology as much as possible in my classroom. I can’t wait to learn how to use the smart board.

  14. Wow. This one is a little harder for me to answer. I want to teach high school math. This is a very difficult subject for very many people, so I expect that I'll be doing quite a bit of one on one work with students. However, something like smart board could be very helpful. I was homeschooled and I struggled with comprehending some of the material my math book covered. If I could have opened a file that had the text book page and then all sorts of notes scribbled to the side I don't think so many things that confused me would have.

    Concerning the Amazon Kindle, I can see that most people have not been thrilled with it, and I agree with them. I love being able to hold an actual book in my hands. On the flip side, I can also see how it might be helpful. I am taking several classes this semester and most of them require large text books. It would be so much better for my back if I had those books on a little handheld device than in my backpack.

  15. @Dana
    I have to disagree. I think cell phones and ipods can be extremely effective in the classroom. Especially I phones or I touch’s. There are just so many things that can be done with them. I also think it would get students actively engaged. Even just asking students to look up information on them, the response time is very fast. I do however think that there is a time and a place for this type of technology, but I certainly think teachers could incorporate them into the classroom in a positive way.

  16. mine was supposed to say in response to lisa...sorry :)

  17. In response to Dana Porter

    I can think of at least one way in which to utilize ipods. I like to go running, and I have to listen to something when I run. Sometimes the time I have to work out and the time I have to study for tests overlap. If a professor was to post his or her lectures as a podcast, I could download it and then review the material while I ran.

    It's not a perfect idea, but it's one that came to mind

  18. In response to Bonnie...

    I liked how you gave both sides to the argument. When I answered the question I didn't give both sides. I pretty much just gave my opinion. I can see how your suggestion works. You have also changed my mind about the Kindle. I was one of the people who were not thrilled about it, but I think it would be very helpful to not have a bunch of books to carry around.

  19. Wow. These are really some awesome ideas about technology in the classroom. I would never have thought there were so many possiblities to teaching with technology. I have always loved the smartboard...I think it is an awesome tool that is a great way to interact with the students. The Kindle book was interesting, I am one that needs a book to read not just something off the internet. This Kindle book allows people to do this, because even though it is downloaded from the internet it's still just like a book...just digital. The remotes in the classroom are a good idea to keep people awake in the classroom, but then I don't like the fact that it can put a little bit more preesure on the student to answer a question. All these new technologies are awesome, but they are pointless unless the teacher knows how to use them. In high school we had three smartboards and most of my teachers hardly ever used them...only because they didn't know the possibilities they could have with them. I think if a teacher is getting a smartboard then they need training before they get it.

  20. i feel technology in the classroom is very effective. if you are given something to research on, more students will to the internet to research more than going and opening a book. Technology also helps teacher show movies to get their point across a little easier.

  21. In response to Bonnie Davis...
    I never thought about the kindle that way. I only thought about the good point of it still being an actual book...but it would definetely help if you could carry ten books in one! That would be a lot easier to carry around!

  22. in response to Kathleen...

    i always had teachers put homework online as well. i feel its better to put it online rather than on paper becaue that paper will just always get thrown away

  23. I believe that technology in classroom is important in our teaching but in a specific way. First, using technology in our classroom can make our courses more interactive and interesting for student. If they use a computer for a research they will be more excited to do it than if they have to use books. However, I think that we have to be careful to don't put in their mind the idea that technology can do everything in their formation. They have to learn that books and papers are also interesting and abound with informations. Use technology in classroom it's first teach them how to use it but also tell them to be aware that a lot of informations on internet are not true.

    for the amazon kindle, I think that even if it's an interesting way to read, books can be more appropriate sometimes. for example, when we use books with textures to teach different material, a real book will has to be use because the amazon kindle can't show this sensations.

  24. In response to Crysta.Cleary

    Even if homework online can be a good idea, I think that teachers can't use that all the time simply because not every parents' students have the same income and so some students won't have access to a computer and internet. If we want to use this we have to make sure first that every students can go online

  25. Technology in the classroom is being used more and more and will be even more advanced in a couple years when I will be a teacher myself. I think technology is very useful in a classroom and allows students to have a more hands on approach, like using computers, and also allows them to be able to relate to certain lessons that are taught using technology. Smart boards gets the kids interacting and makes a lesson more fun. The 10 tips that were showed about technology was very interesting to me and how those things can be incorporated into the classroom.

    The amazon kindle just amazed me. I have never even heard of those and I think eventually everyone and school will provide them. They allow a lot of information to be stored in one "book" instead of using a number of different text books that have to eventually always be replaced.

    Effective teachers need to use some form of technology in the classroom. It is such a big part of everyday life and the kids need to be able to work with it and they might also be able to understand more by using it.

  26. In response to Crysta Cleary:

    I agree with you that students definitely go straight to the internet when needing to look up some information. Books are being used less and less and I think that the amazon kindle will actually help with this because it is basically a book but transformed into this new technology.

  27. I think technology in the classroom is really cool and an excellent idea!
    I had know idea we had so many new technological advances for the classroom. I think the Smartboard is a really neat device to enhance learning, as is Google Earth.
    I had never heard of the Amazon Kindle until I watched the video, and the first thing I thought was, "WOW."
    It would be so nice to not carry around 1 or 2 books for every class, but to be able to just carry around the Amazon Kindle. I think it will change typical textbooks in the future because people will start to buy it instead of each individual book.
    I think technology can be used effectively in the classroom. I think the example you have given a couple of times about using Google Earth for Geography is an excellent idea!
    There are several other ways to use it effectively, and I'm excited to see more technology people come up with and put to use.

  28. In response to Sarah Tegarden...

    I completely agree with your point on using technology in the classroom. I think it will help enhance students and capture their attention better.

  29. Technology in the classroom can be effective but you have to make sure you know exactly what you are doing. I think that using blogs or facebook or twitter could be a good way to have your students interact outside the classroom. Although, you have to be able to use them and know everything about them. If you don't know how to use them right how can you expect your students to get the most out of it.
    The kindle could change textbooks in the future by making them something the kids would choose to use. THey wouldn't have to caryy books in their bag, just their kindle. This would make it more convenient for them.
    My French teacher played radio stations from France during class. It helped us pick up on workds and relate to kids our age in a different country.

  30. In response to Rochoux,
    I agree that the students still need to use paper and pens like we do now. They cannot depend on technology for everything but need to learn a mixture of how to use both techniques of learning.

  31. I think using technology in the classroom is a good idea. The kids growing up are going to have new types of technology and it will be a part of life. Why would we not have the learning enviroment something that the children are accustomed to so they feel more comfortable? It just sounds like a smart thing to do. My woodshop teacher in high school used the smart board to show us different things and used the pen to show us specific parts about the things he was showing us. It was pretty neat.

  32. In response to Jessica Morelli,
    I agree about having to know how to use the technology and pretty much everything you said ha. All around I just think that it would be good for the kids and the teacher.

  33. In responce to Katy P.
    I agree with you that technology shouldn't always be the first choice in the classroom. There are somethings that cannot be taught by a computer and need to be learned and experanced first hand. There is also the human element which cannot be found in a computer lesson.

  34. While technology in the classroom can be a wonderful learning tool, I think that there should be a limit on just how much it is used. I've had teachers who have relied soley on computers or powerpoints to teach for them and the experance wasn't very educational. However, if a teacher can use the technogly effectivly and for a spefic point, it could be amazingly helpful. Such as allowing forgien language students to converse with others who know the language and learn about the culture. And as a final note, while I didn't have a Kindle, I did have a sony e-reader for a short period of time. While impressive, I don't feel they will ever replace the real thing.

  35. In response to Anna Harkins:

    I agree completely with the fact that technology in the classrooms should have it's limits because if teachers only use it one way, it still won't allow the students to interact. The technology has to be more than a teacher using a powerpoint, it has to involve the students for it to be effective.

  36. I believe that technology in the classroom is important to some extent. I still believe that books are important to help kids learn to read but technology could also help those that have trouble with this. I loved using some technology in my classes in high school and it’s really nice now that I’m in college. I love that I can turn my assignments in online and on some days not go to class. Also, a child learning new technology prepares them for their future careers. I think that the kindle is good so you don’t have to carry 5 or 6 books around at a time. I don’t know that I would personally go buy one because that type of technology isn’t for me. The smart board would be something I would love to have in my classroom when I am teaching. It seems to make lessons easier for the students to understand and I think it is a really neat tool.

  37. Technology in the classroom can be very beneficial to your students because students are always using it in their everyday lives. Having technology in the classroom will also help the students to become engaged in the activities the teacher assigns.
    My English teacher in high school had a facebook for my class. This tool helped engage everyone in my class. She would put up homework for the week, topics for discussion, and give a way for the students just to talk to her if they needed to.

  38. In respnose to anna harkins,
    i completely agree about the teachers that rely to much on computers and power points...to me it kind of makes me feel like i am teaching myself...what was your experience with the teacher that only taught this way like?

  39. In response to Crysta

    I agree with you that if you show short film clips you will get you point across much easier to your students. Personally examples help me out a ton. If you only tell me what to do it sometimes takes awhile for me to get, but if you show me what to do I understand much faster.

  40. Hi, guys!
    I am fascinated by your responses. I feel like some of you are doing some reflecting about how you might use technology in the classroom. That's what this is all about - to get you to think about your own classroom someday!

    Lisa - you have a lovely family. It makes it easier to relate to you b/c you posted your picture. Thanks!
    I also enjoyed reading what you wrote.

    Dana - cell phones can now be used as clickers. We'll talk about that tomorrow. I agree that cell phones can be a distraction, but I think we need to look into ways to use them that will enhance the learning.

    Trevor - I don't own an Amazon, but I just Goggled your question about highlighting on a Kindle and apparently you can.

    Looking forward to discussing this further with you guys tomorrow!

  41. I think that any type of technology in the classroom can be useful. I am amazed by the Amazon Kindle and the Remote Response System.

    Amazon Kindle- The Amazon Kindle really caught my attention when the reporter said that you can download any type of book or newspaper as well as access the internet. As for textbooks, we can probably say goodbye. Buying one object to access all books is terrific and any type of teacher would love to have this in the classroom. This would also be very conveinent for the learner to use one device for every book.

    The Remote Response System- This was awesome as well. As a student right now I would love to be able to use this. Going in and sitting down to take an hour long test by hand can be tiring and boring. I often find myself having to read a question over and over again to comprhend it just because I'm so tired or reading and circling answers. With the Remote Response System you can pick your choice with the click of a button. This would be very useful to a teacher in a classroom and would also be very effective in my opinion. Students would be more likely to pay attention as well to save them from being called on without any knowledge of the answer.

    Another thing that I noticed that I think would be beneficial in the classroom is teleconferencing. I feel that the students would find it fascinating to communicate with classrooms from all over the country and across the world.

    Other things such as twitter, facebook, and other gadgets I completely disagree with. These thing should not be use in a classroom.

  42. In response to Josh Fender

    I completely agree with you about using technology in the classroom. In my first post I disagreed with using facebook in the classroom but after I read your response it opened me to a new perspective. Having a facebook for the classrrom seems like would be very beneficial. As I student I would personally love that.

  43. After watching the you tube videos I think that have technology in schools is a great way of learning. For example, my little brother has a learning disability. They have smart boards at his school and for whatever reason the smart boards have become more effective for him to learn from. It was hard for him to focus and remember things when the teacher was in the front of the classroom just lecturing and doing examples on the board. But with the smart board he is more involved in class and he can visualize things better. Especially when it comes to remembering things. He says it easier to remember the objects on the smart board then remembering writting on the board.
    So overall i think technology is really helping in schools but i also think it is still effective to have a teacher in the class teaching.

  44. In response to Jessica Morelli:
    I agree with you on the kindle and how it will most likley be the new text books in the future. I think its great tool to have. The only issue with the kindle is I'm just curious about the price and what are the prices going to be like when you have to order the material online. Is it going to be just the same or more as expensive of buying a real text book?

  45. I am more than happy to start implementing technology in the classroom. It is great that we can bring these amazing ideas to engage our learners in the classroom and even outside. I personally like using a blog format for a traditional classroom setting. My personal dilemma is as a music educator who will be teaching high school band, I am trying to think of how to implement these phenomenal ideas in band room and use them when it comes to teaching classes of 75 students or more. What do people think could be possible ideas for that?

  46. It seems a lot of people are not responding well to the kindle. I really despise Kindle. Its just a computer screen that you can read books off of. I personally believe that you learn better and grasp more from reading from a printed text. With a screen there is too many opportunities to be distracted by all the cool gadgets and gizmos of the kindle.

  47. I think technology is a great tool that we can utilize to increase students interest in learning. The amazon kindle could essentially replace ordinary text books. we could carry around only a small device and have all the textbooks we need. it would also limit the amount of trees cut down for paper text books. a teacher that I had that used technology well was Mr. Mathews. every class he would use either the smart board or stream video from the internet to further our knowledge

  48. I think it's great to use the things that kids use every day to spur intrest in the children. The quote I liked from the twitter video was a teacher saying "My take on education is that if you don't engage the kids, you might as well be talking to a wall." This is so true! If the use of blackboards and whiteboards and other "old" things don't reach them, then I believe that the only logical thing to do is change our approach by modernizing our tools of learning. Way to go!

  49. To Kevin,

    First of all, I just saw you at the FPA but that's beside the point...

    I agree, while watching these videos, my mind was on figuring out how all of this can apply to a music education major. Although I won't be a band director (I'm leaning toward choir director instead) I still have the same questions about what to do with that situation. However, none come to mind. Any ideas anyone??

  50. Technology can be very useful in the classroom if used properly in my opinion. The kindle was very cool and I think that is where the future of textbooks is going. It will be much easier to carry that around as opposed to all of the textbooks we currently haul around. As far as a teacher who used technology well, I would have to say none of them. all of them used chalk board or dry erase board and didn't really use technology very well at all.

  51. I like the use of technology in the classroom. I think the Promethean Board is similar to the smart board in that you can write on it and add links, etc. I like the remote response system because it can have the whole class involed. I liked that the students can take surveys and give their opinions and it can be shared with the whole class. Overall my favorite is the smart board because you can create word documents and save them and write on the bord. Kids love to write on the board and I think that is a very engaging way to do it. The Amazon Kindle is a good thing as long as it doesnt take away from reading because Children need to read. It can be very helpful becasue students can answer questions right after they read and review. I cannot think of any teachers that used technology but I have tutored and the teacher used the smart board around MAP testing to help the students prepare. The students loved doing math problems on the board.

  52. In response to Sarah Tegarden and others:

    I think technology in the classroom is very useful. I agree that students are more engaged and hands-on. I also agree that the Kindle is helpful in that you can pull up the internet while reading. Anything to keep students involved is worht investing in.

  53. in response to Deane...

    I agree with you and also feel that using the technology that kids use everyday to engage them in learning is a great thing. and as technology advances so should teaching techniques

  54. I feel that technology is very hard to be utilized in the right way because with technology comes a wide range of other options. Students with technology use in class rooms stray from their work to go to youtube, facebook, and myspace. At my high school every student was given a laptop to have for their 4 years of high school and I found myself only using the laptop in one maybe two classes. It was a temptation to go on sites where I shouldn't be and I think the times I left it at home I learned more. I feel that the teachers should be the ones using the technology in the classroom and the students outside. For example the youtube videos in this class help get the attention of the students. Outside the classroom students that take advatage of technology to spice up projects and to write papers will achieve so more in the world we live in today.

  55. While I believe that technology in the classroom is very useful I think that it should be monitored. It is obvious that within the next few years technology will continue to grow and become a larger part of our lives. I think it is important to introduce some technology to children and help them become more involved because they will most likely need these skills as they go through school. Also, I think it is a great way to get students to want to learn, but I believe it is still important for children to think and solve problems using their own reasoning as well.

  56. Technology is amazing. It is the best thing in the world, but also the most evil thing in the world. As we saw in the YouTube video about Kindergarteners in the classroom learning with the SmartBoard, technology is beneficial. Students can learn in an interactive way that they never have been able to before. I can see myself using technology alot. In my generation, we are somewhat of the oldest of the technology revolution. There are things that 2nd graders know how to do on the computer that I never knew was possible while there are 40 year olds who know absolutely nothing about programs such as Excell or Powerpoint. It's amazing how technology progresses. By the time I am teaching, the resources are going to be completely different and that boggle my mind! It is so hard to keep up.

    It's sad but technology appeals to students. With advances like the Amazone Kindle, students could be more intrigued to read.

    I was babysitting a 4 year old today and she pulled her Nintendo DS out and was writing letters and coloring pictures and working on numbers. I was so impressed. She began practicing without me asking, or even knowing that was what she was about to do! It is a matter of convenience. Sure, she would love to do that with paper and pencil but instead she quietly grabbed her DS and worked on it by herself.

    Technology is great, when used in a beneficial way.

  57. In response to Michelle Spencer,

    I agree with you that technology is very useful for relating work and learning to those children who have more difficulties. I think technology can apply to a wide range of students to especially those who are more visual learners, and those who need more hands on activities. Im a very big believer in trying appeal to everyones needs and even though I think too much technology in the classroom isnt a great idea, I do agree that it can deffinitely help

  58. Christian Darby said...
    I do agree that technology in the classroom can get the whole class involved but if their isn't a restriction then the students will not be able to totally focus. In a college classroom where the students are paying to sit in these classes and as the teacher is speaking they are on facebook. So why wouldn't a high school student vencher off while in english class.

  59. To no one specific

    I agree with most people that the amazon kindle would greatly benefit learners!!

  60. in responsed to Jennifer Goodman-

    I agree that technology is good but has to be monitored. I don't think there is much to add to that. But you said it best. Kids need to be checked up on and made sure that they are staying on task because there is a significantly stronger urge to get distracted.

  61. I really don't know anything about the kindle. I could see how it would be effective, but it may not be for everyone. Some people learn better of paper than a display screen. Then again, vise versa.It's one of those things that people will have to be very careful about when making the decision to purchase one.

  62. Hey Deanne. I'm also leaning towards choir director (which I'm pretty sure you knew). Here's my input, while we probably won't be using any of these things for our job, we will be using other things, such as recording devices.
