Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Week 2 - Effective Teaching

I've posted many actions of an effective teacher on the side of the blog. Take a look at this list that my Tuesday 9:30 class collected and think about the value of each characteristic. After you've reviewed the list carefully, please post your response to the following question...
Congratulations! You've just landed the teaching position of your dreams. You begin packing your things to fly to the new school district and realize, due to the increased costs of gasoline, you can bring with you only three suitcases. Each suitcase can hold only ONE action of an effective teacher...which three would you take with you and why? Please feel free to choose another action if you do not see the one you want on the list.
Don't forget to also post a response to at least one of your peers. Happy Writing!


  1. the three actions for an effective teacher for me would be :

    - supports students
    - inspire students
    - organized

  2. Interesting question :)

    1)Passion in subject matter- You aren't going to buy anything from a boring entrepreneur, same goes for education.
    2)Shows how content relates to life- this exemplifies the daily question of "why are we learning this?" Students can take the information that they learn from the course and apply it in their everyday lives afterwards, they truly get their time and money's worth ( if paying for school) It's a great way to obtain the information. ( I think this pertains to challenging students as well)

    3)Supports students- school is all about learning and figuring out what works and what doesn't. Teachers must support failures and successes which come with the daily learning experience, it's an essential in successful learning.

    P.S. I love how each one of these ideas takes up a whole suitcase... haha

  3. 1 organized - My son had a teacher that was unorganized and her classroom for the most part was chaotic. The kids and parents were frustrated by the lack of communication and loss of homework and classroom work. I even voluteered in her class to help her out. On the days I was there several times she would start a lesson and then have to leave the classroom to get copies made of something. The kids were never in thier seats and she had no control over them.

    2) Passion in subject matter - I agree with Dana on this one. I have a passion for reading and I want to pass that passion along to my students.

    3) Cares for students - Your children are going to come in to class and not all of them are going to be happy all of the time. It is important that you be able to help them with problems that not always happen at school. Life is difficult especially if you are 7 and things happen in life you don't understand.
    Show them that you care.

  4. 1) Inspire Students- I would really like to be a big part of a student or players life. Just like my high school head football coach was for me.

    2)Support Students- I want my students or players to know that whatever happens I will back them up and be there for them.

    3)Interested in students' lives- Being a football coach its good to know what your players home life is like.

  5. 1. Respect- respect goes a long way and if you can teach children how to respect one another and others it makes things a lot easier and a better atmoshpere for the children to be in.

    2.Support Students- If a child doesnt have support from the main person they are learningfrom then they will not be interested in succeeding with the assignment or anything from that matter. Support is always needed in and out of the classroom.

    3.Orginization- If you as a teacher can not be organized with lessons and activities then how is a child going to be able to find that balance if you cant set a good example for them yourself. Being unorganized just makes things more difficult on yourself and your students. As a teacher you will most likley be frustrated becasue things are not together and your students will loose intrest in the activity.

  6. Challenges the students – Personally when I was in high school if I thought the work was to easy I just wouldn’t apply myself has much as I would have if I was challenged by the work. It’s important to actually encourage the students to use what they know when they do the work assigned instead of just blowing it off.

    Passion for subject matter – Honestly if you don’t care about what your teaching why should your students care to learn it. It’s important you love what you teach so that the students can feel enthused about what their learning. I had a French teacher who wasn’t the best teacher in the world, but she loved the French and their culture so much it was hard not to enjoy the class and at least learn a tiny bit of the language.

    Offers help – It’s important to make sure you’re not just teaching at the kids but making sure they are actually absorbing what it is you’re trying to tell them. If students feel like they can’t approach you with questions their going to get confused and fall behind. But if the teacher is open and doesn’t make the student feel bad for not understanding their more likely to request help when it’s needed.

  7. 1)Shows how content applies to life-I think one of the most important things about being a teacher is having the student take what they learn in class, and use it outside of class. If I as a teacher can show the student how it applies to life, and they use it then I am know I am doing my job correctly.

    2)Passion for the subject-I agree with Anna on this one because the students are going to notice if the their teacher doesn't care about what he/she is teaching them. If you don't have passion for the subject that you are teaching then there is no point in teaching at all because the students came to learn. If you love what you do then the students will be able to see that, and they will be able to appreciate what they learn a lot more.

    3)Inspire students-To be able to inspire someone is why I wanted to become a teacher. I want to make a difference in a students life. If I can make a student desire to do better in their life or even get a couple more points on a quiz, then I will be a very happy teacher.

  8. Wow..that's a hard one..but I think my top three would be

    1) Shows how content applies to life
    2) Diverse in teaching style and
    3) Knows his/her students

    I would choose 1 because I've learned plenty of things in class where I didn't see any way it could relate to life, so I would memorize what I needed to for the test, then discard it from my mind. I want to teach my students important things that they can apply to their present and future lives; this will also be more enjoyable for the students to learn. When I couldn't see any way to apply it to my life, I found it boring and pointless. This way, they'll know what I'm teaching them is important to know and why.

    I would choose 2 because I think it's extremely important for all students to be able to learn, and they'll learn better if I use a variety of ways to teach, not just one. I'm a visual learner, so when one of my teachers would stand at the front of the class and talk with no visual aids or handouts, I had a difficult time learning. While that technique was good for auditory learners, it was difficult for us who are visual. So I want to make sure my students all have an equal opportunity to learn and understand what I'm teaching them.

    And finally, I would choose 3 because I think both teaching and learning is more enjoyable when you care about those you are teaching or learning from. Knowing my students; their names, how they learn, their backgrounds, personalities, etc. is extremely important to me because I think it shows how much I care about them by how much I know about them. I also think it will make the students more comfortable to talk to me about problems they are having or ask questions in class.

  9. In response to Chelsey Martin...

    I completely agree with you on all three of yours. But I completely understand the inspiration. That's also one of the main reasons I wanted to become a teacher. One of my main goals in life is to make a difference in someone's life. I've had so many people inspire me and change my life for the better, and I would absolutely love to do the same for someone else.

  10. In respone to Michelle Spencer...

    I totally agree with you on your reason for choosing respect. That was always one of my mother's main goals for raising my; which was to raise me with respect for other people. I think if we had more teachers to enforce that in classrooms then the students would understand what means to be respectful. Also i agree with you on organization becuase I had a teacher in high school who was completely unorganized, and it was very distracting.

  11. I would choose shows how content applies to life, passion for subject manner, and supporting my students.

    I chose these three because many of the other choices can fit under these categories. You must love what you are teaching because it shows to your students. If you love it, they can tell, and they have a better chance of becoming just as passionate about it as you are. If you apply what your teaching to real life, they have a bigger picture to look at. By seeing the ultimate purpose, they are able to connect the lesson in their heads and will remember it. They will also understand WHY they are learning it. Finally, if a teacher doesn't support his/her students, and they do not want what is good for the students, then that lack of love will effect how they learn and how they respect you as a teacher. If you care about them, you will respect them. If you respect them, they should respect you. Everything is intertwined.

  12. Dana,

    We picked the same three virtues! haha...I agree with you that teaching, life in general, is a learnign experience. We must learn from our studetns as well as our peers. And it IS important to praise the students whe they succeed, and to support them when they fall. They need to know that the teacher is behind them 100%.

  13. 1. Shows how content applies to life.
    If the ideas that have been taught in class can be used in daily activities (rather than remaining abstract concepts only needed in the classroom), chances are that the student will remember them better, and be more enthusiastic about them.
    2. Inspires students
    I was torn between this one and having a "passion for the subject matter" because I think they go hand in hand. However, I chose "inspiring students" because I have seen teachers who are passionate about their subject but are not able to inspire their students with that same love for whatever reason. So I think to be a truly effective teacher, the ability to share one's passion for the subject with the students is crucial.
    3. Challenges students
    If the students are not movitated to work and test their limits and abilities, then chances are they will lose interest and not be inspired to go further in that area.

  14. Regarding Michelle Spencer's comment on respect, I think she has a good point in children needing to learn respect for one another. I would also add that they need to develop a healthy dose of self respect. If you don't respect yourself how can you learn to respect others.

  15. These are all wonderful qualities, and I wish I could have chosen more than three, but the three I chose are 1.) Inspiring Students, 2.) Offers help, and 3.) Challenges Students.

    1.) Inspiring Students - In the video clip we saw last Tuesday, it stated that we, as educators, are preparing students for jobs that don't exist yet. I want to be able to inspire that same love of math that I have in those I teach. (And if not a love of math, at least a good understanding of it. So many of the fields that are advancing are firmly rooted in math, so I think it's a good idea for everyone to have a good understanding of the subject.)

    2.)Offers Help - Math is a challenging subject. Many people get discouraged when they're faced with difficult problem sets. Because of that, I think that it will be important that the students know that I am there to help them.

    3.)Challenges Students - I completely agree with Anna Harkins. When I wasn't challenged, I didn't learn as much. I want to be able to have students walk out of my classroom remembering what they "learned"

  16. In my opinion the three things that I feel are most important would be to inspire students, show how the content applies to life, and to challenge the students.

    To inspire the students in my opinion means that you are making them want to learn what you are teaching. Don't be dull when teaching because a dull teacher creates a very dull class which also brings me to my next point. A teacher that shows a student how the subject matter applies to life is very important. It is important because once again, if a student does not see or know why they are learning the subject then they will more than likely try to blow it off or learn just enough to get through and then the knowledge they had flies right out the window. The final one that I chose was to challenge your students. I also feel that when any of my teachers gave me tests and quizzes more frequently (but not every single day, maybe like 1 quiz a week) that was not open book or open notes, I was made to really study and try to understand the material instead of just trying to find the right page that the answer is on.

  17. In response to Katie P,

    I just wanted to say that I agree completely on the fact that you should love what you teach. I know that when I was in class and I had a teacher, one in particular my junior year, that really could have cared less about the subject that he was teaching. Granted he was very knowledgable of the subject matter he always seemed like he dreaded teaching our class and that to me just was a slap in the face. Students are there to learn, and teachers are there to teach. A teacher should be able to challenge, and help you on the subject so that you really grasp it. They are not supposed to be there to just help you coast through the course.

  18. Hmmm it's hard to pick only three, but I would choose...
    1.Organized- because a teacher has to be a good example to his or her students and if the teacher is not organized then why should the kids be orgqanized.
    2. Knows their Content- Of what I've noticed over the years in the classroom, the better a teacher knows his or her content the more likely the students are to understand it. Usually this is because the teachers have an easier time explaining the subject and giving examples.
    3. Gives meaningful assignments- I think this is important becaause if a child recieves a meaningful assignment then he or she is more likely to remember it later on. If the assignment was a meaningful one, then maybe it wil be useful to the child not only now but later on in life as well.

  19. In response to Bonnie Davis....
    I agree with all three of your qualities you choose. Kids should be inspired by what they are taught, because what they learn in school will effect what they do with their life later in life. Teachers should offer help because they are not only there to teach but also be there for the kids for whatever is needed. Lastly students need to be challenged because then they are more likely to remember that class or that teacher, it helps them to fully apply themselves, and they are just more likely to learn the material.

  20. Katy,
    Great minds think alike! I think those three virtues apply to both "good" teacher and "effective" teacher.

    To most other posts,
    I also think organization is key to success. Organization helps one balance out their lives and in the case of an educator, organization can help the minds and the environment in the classroom more effective.

    Can't wait for class on Tuesday!

  21. In response to Trevor Schloessman,
    I completely agree with what you said regarding more frequent tests/quizzes. I have found the same thing; that if I know I'm going to be graded on how well I actually know the material on a regular basis vs. just seeing how well I can find answers in a book, I study more diligently and learn the material more thoroughly.

  22. Cares for students: The students will not be able to learn effectively unless their teacher is there for them.

    Challenges the students: As someone going into music education, I can't stress enough the importance of pushing the students to their highest potential. Without challenging the students, they will develop more lazy attitudes toward their work.

    Interacts with the students: No child likes a class in which a teacher arrives on time, lectures the class, and leaves without interaction!

  23. In response to Dana Porter...

    I totally agree with your comparison about "boring entrepreneurs" and the way some educators teach! I have actually realized that same thing in a class I once took and the community college. My history teacher actually sat on a table and droned on about who knows what... it's no wonder that nobody did well in that class! The teacher MUST be passionate about her subject matter, and it always makes it better when using real life experiences.

  24. The 3 things that I would take with me would have to be:
    Being diverse in my teaching styles
    Actually caring for each student as an individual

    I chose respect because I believe that teachers get what they receive to some extent. I remember having teachers that had no respect for students at all and we would all act up and not listen to her, just for the simple fact she didn’t respect us. I don’t believe it’s fair to the students to be treated that way because when someone has no respect for them they stop trying and their grades in that class drop because they think well the teacher doesn’t care so why should I?

    Being diverse in teaching styles helps students all around do better. Some learn visually and some learn by reading, some even learn by doing hands on assignments. I think that it is better for teachers to help students succeed instead of fail because they don’t learn the same way as others.

    Caring for students is a major thing for teachers. I remember having some teachers that cared and some that didn’t. I learned so much better from the ones that did. They actually took the time to answer my questions and explain things a little differently if I didn’t understand the first time.

  25. This is in regards to Melissa,

    Why did you pick the 3 things you did? Did you have any situations to make you pick those?

  26. In responce to Michelle Spencer.

    I agree with you about respect. Its an important thing for kids to learn because they are going to be dealing with people who are different then them their entire lives. They need to know how to act around said people, even if they don't like them or agree with their beliefs.

  27. In response to Danielle Files,

    I love the three qualities that you picked. I especially liked the respect aspect. I think it's important that a teacher shows respect for the student because that says that the teacher doesn't think that the student is not smart even when the student is having problems with the subject matter.

  28. One important aspect of an effective teacher would be passion for subject matter. If you do not love what you are teaching then your students will be able to tell that and will not try hard in your class because they will not see the point. Also I think being respectful is important, everyone has heard the saying "you have to give respect to get respect". I really find that true. The next one would be to know the content, how are you going teach anyone something if you do not know what you are talking about?

  29. In response to Danielle Files...

    I would have to agree on the three you chose. If you do not have those, then you will not be not only an effective teacher, but also the students probably will not like you.

  30. In order to be a truely effective teacher I feel that every teacher needs to:
    1)Have a diverse teaching style. Every student in a classroom will have a different learning style and every student deserves to be taught in a way that best suites them. Mixing it up will also help to keep the students involved and interested.
    2)Support and care for the students. An effective teacher needs to care for the students and truely want them to learn. Supporting them falls into that same category because if you support them then they will know that you care and want the best for them.
    3)Inspire Students. A teacher who inspires his/her students will be much more successful and the students will get more out of different lessons.

  31. In response to Bonnie "Katy" Davis:
    I agree with your three choices especially because you are going to be math teacher. Math is a subject that I feel certain students will always struggle with and it is important to have a good and caring teacher. It sound like you will make a great teacher and will really be there for your students.

  32. Patience. A must.
    Passion. Without this, why bother?
    The ability to connect with the students. this helps establish trust and does inspire the students to learn.

    I think each of the qualities speak for themselves. I didn't put down knowledge of subject matter, because it should be assumed that you would have that. However, it isn't uncommon for teachers in small schools to teach subjects they didn't specialize in.

  33. I really can't pick just one person to respond to. Everyone makes valid points, and each quality makes for a better teacher. I honestly found it somewhat difficult to choose Which 3 specifically to choose. A topic that came up again and again was inspiration. We as teachers want to make class worthwhile for the students. We want them to enjoy every minute of class. The easiest way for that is to inspire the students.

  34. Hello Everyone!! I really thought hard about this question. If I had to pick three. I choose.....
    1.) Respectful. I have always been brought up to be respectful. To get respect you have to give it.
    2.) Knows his/her student. To be an effective teacher I feel that you have to interact and know your students. If I was in class after a month or so and my teacher still doesn't know my name. I would take that as my teacher hasn't tried to connect or get to know me. Therefore, it shows that they don't care. Little things adds up.
    3.) Inspires students. I believe this is the most important! I look back in my school years, and I can pick out what teachers actually helped me learn and become who i am today. I want to become a teacher that students look up to and I want to become a big part in their life.

  35. In response to Jordan Roche

    Hey Sorry I just read your post after I already sent mine and we said the same thing about being respectful. Great minds think alike. :)

  36. The following three actions make an effective teacher:
    1) Set big goals for students. First of all, without goals, there is nothing to achieve and nothing to measure. Secondly, students nine times out of ten will rise to a challenge set before them. They want to accomplish great things, they want to be successful, and they want to make their parents and teachers proud. Giving them big goals allows them the opportunity to rise and shine and show what they are all about. Anything less is selling them short and robbing them of the opportunities they deserve.
    2) Constantly re-evaluate what they are doing. Anyone can create a school-years worth of lesson plans and use them over and over and over. But, an effective teacher is always asking the questions: Did this work? Why did or didn’t it work? What can I do better next time? Are the student's learning from this? If something isn't working, ditch it and start over. The goal is to develop student's who learn and achieve, not to make teaching an easy auto-pilot job.
    3) Organized. Effective teaching requires a high degree of organizational skills. Being prepared and achieving the objectives are single best way to teach students. A lack of organization reveals itself as slopping teaching where the students aren't clear about the objective. And, if the students are learning, the rest will fall into place (respect, student interest, etc.).

  37. @Dana Porter
    I agree that the question “Why are we learning this?” should be at the forefront of all lessons. There is a reason, but how often has it not been explained to us? I know I have personally been very frustrated by the lack of explanation. I will be teaching Middle School Mathematics, and I strongly believe the connection to everyday life is vitally important to learning math.

  38. 1)Shows How Content Applies To Life- I always found that it was easier to learn new things if I knew how or when I would be using them in everyday life. It made me more interested in the subject so I believe students will feel the same way.
    2)Organized- I believe that being organized will result in a better teaching/learning environment. If the students have a routine or like to follow gudielines it will be easier for them to learn in an organized classroom. The teacher themselves will have an easier time getting things done and knowing where things are will be resulted in a better flowed class.
    3)Interacts With the Students- Interacting with the students will make them more comfortable with you and the class. It will show the students that you not only care about their education but about them as a person. If they know this then if they are having problems it will be easy for them to come to you and ask for help.

  39. In response to Sara Tegarden.. After reading what you wrote about teaching diversity I really have to agree with you. Everyone has a different way of learning new things and I also agree that it will keep them interested. Good Point!

  40. It takes more than 3 qualities to be an effective teacher, but 3 of the most important are:

    1. Inspiring your students: This is so important because if the student is inspired the teacher has been successful in sparking the students interest. This allowes for the molding and shaping of that student because they are open to learning the material. The teacher should be inspired by their students and want to make every aspect of learning as inspiration as they can.

    2. Challenging your students: This makes a great teacher because the teacher is supplying their students with the stepping stones to push themselves and become better. When a teacher challenges a student, it becomes a combined effort, the teacher for support and the student for effort.

    3. Caring for your students: A good teacher should always care for their students. In caring comes hope and trust, and most importantly a disciplined friendship between the teacher and their students. If a teacher doesn't show concern for students they won't show concern for their work.

  41. To Kayla Eddy:

    I completely agree with you on the respect issue. It's important for a teacher to not only receive respect from her students, but also give it in return to her students. This is when boundries are set and maybe even an understandalbe friendship. The teacher should be humble enough and respectful enough to know if they are ever wrong and accept their students differing opinions.

  42. 1. Inpires students: i feel that all teachers should inspire their students to doing the best they can do.
    2. Challeneges students: i feel all teachers should challenege their students all different ways and should challenege them to the most extend
    3. Care for the students: i think all teachers should care for their students and make students feel comfortable in class

  43. In response to Jessica..

    i feel those 3 choices you made were one of the best. i even like how you gave your opinion to how those helped you in a classroom too!

  44. 1) Support- Supporting your students in their decisions and dreams is one of the most important qualities I think a teacher can have. I believe this because you encourage them to create and grow at the same time.
    2) Respect- You can not walk into you classroom just expecting respect from your students. That is something that everyone must ear.
    3) Offers help and examples- A teacher who offers help and answers questions will be admired by their students. Also a Teacher will give real life examples will be able to connect with their students and I believe that is one of the most effective way to teach.

  45. In response to Crysta

    Crysta I totally agree with what you have to say about inspiration and challenges. The teachers that showed me these qualities often became my favorite teachers in the world.

  46. 1. supports students- I think it is very meaning when students feel like they are being supported or their ideas are supported, it makes them feel like they are making the right decision which gives them hope.

    2.applys what is taught- It was so helpful to me when the teacher gave examples of how what we learned works in the real world.

    3. shares personal stories- I think it is helpful and more relaxed when the teacher every now and then shares something about their day or a memory or just anything personal (not too personal) so that students can feel like they can relate with their teacher.

  47. I agree with using examples after what is just taught. This way students can get a clear understanding and if they have a question that would be the right time to ask. This is especially useful in math. All the examples helped me out, the more we went over the clearer it gets.

  48. 1) Passion for Subject Matter. Throughout the teachers I've had during elementary and highschool, the ones that were the most effective teachers to me were those who really loved and had a passion for what they were teaching. I belive having a passion for what your teaching will help motivate the students and help them become excited in what they are learning.

    2. Organized. The difference between the teachers that I have really learned a lot from and those whom I learned from to get through the class was organization. I think especially with younger kids being organized and teaching them to be organized early on will give everyone more time learning and then being able to have fun while doing so.

    3. Knows his/her students. Knowing your students, and knowing their strengths and weaknesses and how to help them I believe is very important. Being effective is helping all your students learn and gain knowledge through your teaching so I believe knowing your students definitley help to do that.

  49. in response top nickie nicholson

    I really agree with your choice for constantly re-evaluating the students. I didnt think much of that option until I read through and saw your comment. I think its very important to see how your students are improving. If your re-evaluating them your also re-evaluating yourself at the same time to see if the methods your using as a teacher are working.

  50. My three choices are passion for subject matter, being organized and challenging the students. I picked these three because my favorite and most effective teacher had all of these qualities and I learned the most from this teacher.

  51. For me the three that I would choose are:
    Shows how content applies to life,
    Knows the content,
    and inspires students.
    These would be the most important to me

  52. 1)For the first characteristic of an effective teacher, I chose, to inspire the students. I feel like having a passion for what you do and inspiring the students go hand in hand. If you don't have passion then there is no way that you would ever be able to inpire your students. So I feel that this would be the perfect characteristic to fit in suitcase one. Inspiring my students is a quality that ALL effective teachers should have!

    2)I chose diverse teaching style to go in my second suitcase. The reason for this is because every student learns and adapts to things differently. If I am diverse in my teaching style then I feel like I will reach out to a larger number of students making me a more effective teacher.

    3)Last but not least I would put challenges students in my last suitcase. To be an effective teacher you have to challenge your students. If they come to class bored everyday then they most likely aren't paying attention to anything you have to say. Challenging them will not only make them work harder but also help them to achieve harder goals later on in life.

  53. In response to Josh Fender...

    If I could take another three suitcases, I would have chose exactly what you chose. I completely agree with supporting the students. It helps to encorage them. I also agree with being respectful and giving help and examples. Most teacher just expect you to teach yourself but an effective teacher needs to be helpful.

  54. in response to Kathleen Wagner...

    We had almost the same picks except you chose to challenge students, which I think is also a very valid point that I was debating on choosing

  55. gives meaningful assignments- theres no point to give an assignment unless students can obtain or review knowledge from it.

    Knows content area- I would hope most educators would know the content they are teaching

    Challenges students-i think it is extremely important to challenge students, to spark their curiosity.

  56. in response to Sierra Dunn...

    I completely agree. Inspiring the students is such an important aspect of teaching. It was so hard to only pick three, when obviously teachers should have a majority of the elements.

  57. Personally, passion, ability to inspire students and knowing their students is the most important factors of being a teacher.

    Without passion, what is the point? If you're teaching just for the day-to-day duty, the students will not feel motivated and therefore other issues in the classroom will result.

    Kids need to be inspired and it is tought to do. Teachers inspire students the most when it is unintentional. Through everyday actinos and the overall attitude, kis become motivated to do what is asked of them and beyond.

    Knowing each and every one of your students is essential. When I looked at the list, the last few components of an effective teacher were all equally important. But, I realized that by knowing your students you can place thoe 3 or 4 elements together. Teachers will be able to care for students, offer help in effective ways as well as other emotional needs students need.

  58. In response to Christian Darby's post,

    I completely agree. Of course all of these trairs are essential for students to get everything out of school. I did really appreciate that you said students need to feel as though what they are leaning will actually affect them in the future. I always thought that while sitting in my classes, "Why do I have to learn this? I'm never going to use this!" But when teachers exemplified how it will help me things were better and I enjoyed learning!

  59. In response to Brianna Youngberg

    I agree with your choices it was hard for me to choose between having passion and supporting ones students.

  60. in response to anna harkins:

    We picked 2 of the same qualities which were challenging the students and being passionate for the subject material. I was going back and fourth on whether I should choose offer help to the students and being organized but I like to be organized and I think it would help the lesson more than offering help. But you chose good picks!

  61. Well first off I'm hoping my students don't make fun of me for only owning one outfit seeing that each of these ideas takes up a suitcase.
    The first suitcase would in my case carry Passion for my subject, because if you are going to teach others and have a career you will need to have passion. With passion you will know your material very well seeing that you will take it seriously and secondly if your passionate than you can get your students passionate too.
    In my second suit case I need to have inspires students. If you want to get anything out of your career in teaching it will be that you inspired your students to learn the material and learn that with inspiration comes knowledge.
    Now for the last suit case the one thing I feel that seperates a good teacher from a great one is the supporting of your students. When you support your students in school and in life than they will respect you as a person and you will get so much more out of them. I know this because as a student I loved the teacher that you could joke with and if I need something then I know I could come to them for guidence and support.

  62. Michelle Spencer said that she would bring Respect. I believe that this is very true and if I could bring more bags than I would have brought Respect. I also feel that if you support your students than that is a great way to so respect and its also a great way to kill two birds with one stone. Michelle don't think that I am saying your case of respect is a waste of space I am just saying that with support you can give and recieve the respect you are looking to give.

  63. My three would be...
    -Shows how content applies to life. It is a great thing to just teach kids things, but if you can show them how it will be useful to them in their future then that is a great thing and will captivate the students attention.
    -Inspires Students. I personally believe this is self-explanatory.
    -Supports students; many students have self-esteem issues today or have trouble believing in themselves. If you can give them support and work with them to become better beings as well as students, you can achieve way more.
