Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Week 4 - Professionalism in Teaching

Now that you have read chapter 2 about the professionalization of teaching and we discussed a few of the issues in class, I would like for you to reflect upon your 13+ years of schooling and the examples your teachers have set for you. You need to think of a time, experience, or memory of a teacher doing or saying something that exemplified that he/she was truly a well-respected professional. OR you can write about a time, experience, or memory of a teacher doing or saying something that was not professional. Do not use names when you are talking about this teacher. It can be a simple issue like "One of my high school teachers always wore shorts to school." Or it can be a complex issue such as "One of the high school teachers used to go to student parties on the weekend and drink alcohol in front of the students." After you state the issue, type a few sentences about why you thought it was professional or unprofessional and how it affected your learning. Please be sensitive to the fact that this topic is very subjective. Something you might think is unprofessional another person might think is not a big deal. Let's be aware of people's differing opinions. We need to make sure we keep this post PROFESSIONAL:-)


  1. At my highschool the assistant football coach had a pretty big reputation of flirting with girls at the school. His class was more of a 'blow off' class and he always had a girl student helper. It would switch each week, he was just very obvious when he would check out girls and flirt.
    This was very unprofessional because he was very obvious about it and most of the girls went along with it. It was distracting because you couldn't take him seriously as a teacher and he let it get in the way of teaching the class anything.

  2. I have a situation that doesnt involve a teacher, but rather the school nurse. She was young, and had everyone call her by her first name. She would allow people to cut class and sit in her office for hours (if she was friends with you). She would sit and talk about her boyfriend and her weekend. She would even frequently go to the bowling alley that most of the school went to on weekends, and was usually drunk and making out with her boyfriend. She was extremely inappropriate in my opinion, and hurt the students missing out on class time. I'm sure that their parents would not appreciate this.

  3. in response to Jessica...
    I know of a few teachers in my highschool that acted in the same manner. Its really sad. A teachers job should be to teach, and acting in that manner, is a good way to get fired. If one student gets offended by this behavior, and takes it to the office, the principal would almost have to take immediate action to avoid embarrassment on the school's behalf.

  4. I was a senior in high school, and there was a story that came out about a teacher that I had in middle school. It was said that the teacher and the student were involved in "activites" outside of school. The student waited until she was in high school to bring these incidents out because the student was two grades below me. When the story came out, there was an investigation of the teacher, and the teacher was sticking to his innocence. The middle school asked him to take a leave, and he did respectfully as the investigation continued. In the end, the teacher was found innocent, and the girl was caught lieing. Since, I have had the teacher before he was always professional. I completely believe that he handled this situation as professional as he could. He did everything that he was asked too, and it helped him in the end.

  5. During my senior year one of our football coaches who was substitute teacher was involved in a situation. He was substituting for an AG class and they were watching a movie. When he turned the lights out a girl screamed and he said "if your scared you can come sit on grandpas lap." The girls dad made threats about putting him in the hospital, one day the dad was waiting for him outside the building. He eventally lost his job because of that and other reasons. It was really unfortunate because he was a great coach, and if you knew him you would know he was joking.

  6. When I was in high school, there was a teacher that would randomly come into one of my classes and flirt with my teacher. My teacher ( a woman) found the behavior inappropriate but let the behavior go on anyway because he would constantly come in during class and just flirt with her during his break. Not only that but he eventually lost his job due to having sexual relations with a student. He was a new teacher and he only ended up staying at my school for a year and a half. It was completely inappropriate and unprofessional because he was not only disrupting valuable classtime but showing flirtatious behavior with both other teachers and students (in front of other students).

  7. To Darron,
    Wow, silly little mistakes can change somebody's life in an instant. Of course a lot of that had to do with dangerous overreacting from a parent but that was still completely unprofessional as a teacher. As a girl, I know I wouldn't take it out of proportion into something that it probably wasn't, I'm sure it was just a joke, but I would still feel a little uncomfortable if a male teacher said that to me. That's just my opinion.

  8. To comment on Jessica Morelli. That happens in just about every high school. I know teachers "as sad as it sounds" say they wont mind being truckers for the rest of their lives, if you know what I mean.

  9. I have a story about a teacher and a guidance counselor who worked together to make sure one person did not go to college. There was a student who had some difficulty with his reading all his life. He seemed to overcome most of the obstacles facing him by his senior year in high school. He was a great artist. His paintings and drawings were spectacular. He wanted to try to get a scholarship to continue his art in college. But the art teacher and guidance counselor had somebody else in mind, well actually 2 people. They were twins and they were also good artists but they always did projects together. The teacher was working on getting the scholarship split between the two of them while the guidance counselor has the other young man and his parents in his office telling them he would never make it in college, he would be better off working in a factory. Long story short, my friend never applied for that art scholarship and went to work in a factory. The twins had no competition for the scholarship and went on to share it. In the end the twins were kicked out of college for cheating and my friend is now working in an architural firm and sells his paintings for $400.00 or more. Last time I saw the twins they were managers at a fast food chain.

    The teacher and guidance counselor were both unprofessional in my opinion because they tried to take the dreams away of someone who needed those dreams to feel good about himself. Luckily my friend had very supportive family and friends who finally convinced him he would make it in college and he did.

  10. At My high school the gym teacher's office is up in the balcony of the gym. Before PE class, the girls would change in the gym by the stage. The particular teacher that I had my freshmen year, would sit in his office with the blinds down, and peak through and watch the girls change. This was only one of the many innappropriate actions that he made. Needless to say, he was let go from my school.

    This was very innappropriate, and made the girls feel very awkward.

  11. Jessica,

    It is very disturbing that teachers feel the need to boost their confidence by hitting on, and flirting with their students. I agree that it is very distracting, and very uncomfortable for ALL of the students.

  12. To Lisa,
    I was just going to comment about a teacher telling somebody that they "can't go to college" My mom had a guidance teacher that told her that she would be much better being a secretary or working in a factory also and that her dreams were way too high and that she needed to lower her expectations. She is now a professor meaning she earned her Ph.D here at Lindenwood, teaching business and management and her dreams could never be higher.

  13. I had a PE teacher in grade school/middle school who was in a relationship with one of my classmates parents. It was really unprofessional when we had school functions and they were basically all over each other! i felt bad for my classmate becasue I dont think he was okay with it and it was just very innapropiate on the tachers behalf and the students father. It was just awful to see it happen right in front of us!

  14. To comment on Katie P,
    I think went to the same high school! becasue this same teacher would also let girls in his office and hang out instead of going to class or to do homework. I think there were several reasons he was let go but im sure the main one was because of him looking through his blinds to watch the girls change for gym! I think this made all the girls very uncomfortable and would of rather had the other gym teacher over him!

  15. In response to Lisa and Dana,

    I had a teacher in high school who actually told that since I didn't work up until the bell had rung, that I wasn't going to succeed in college and that I would fail out my first semester. It was very degrading because the teacher pulled me out of the class the next day to tell me that. I couldn't believe that he made the comment to me because I was one of the students in his class to have the highest grade.

  16. Chelsey and Dana,
    It is so sad to think that guidance councelors and teachers are doing still doing this to students. I can't imagine ever telling a student you are not good enough to go to college. It really makes me sad. Even doing my observations there is one little boy who is struggling with reading and he has to go to speach class as well and all I can think is how would I as a teacher be able help him and give him the self confidence he needs so that this same thing does not affect him when gets to the point of needing help to get into college.

  17. In my highschool there was one teacher that stands out particularly in my mind. He was a coach for a couple different sports and was mine also for a couple of years. He was always more concerned with being friends with his students rather than being a good educator. His classes were always the blow off classes and he would allow students to miss other classes and just sit in his. He never did anything inappropriate with a student, but did them in other ways. He has a facebook account where he is friends with his students and will comment on pictures, etc. He was a divorced father and would have his students set him up with their moms. He would have personal conversations during class and really just was never a respected teacher, which I think is very important for an educator, especially of older students. I just feel there is a line teachers should not cross and should be professional at all times.

  18. Katie P,

    I think your gym teacher was definately out of line and it was best he was let go, but I also think the school should not allow a male teacher to be so close to where girls will be changing and make it so easy to do just what he did. Girls and boys need a changing room with where there will be gauranteed privacy.

  19. When i was in 6th grade i had a science teacher who would flirt and touch girls all the time. everytime we had class he would call a girl over to his desk and give them candy and stuff. i was always afarid to ask a question in class because one time i did he came behind me and was like touching my shoulders and always would be like "clearly cleary" and "i can see clearly now the rain is gone.." and would always touch his leg with ours..i dont know it was just very unprofessional. no one would ever like going to his class and i hated sitting n there myself. after that day i never asked a question again.

  20. to jessica,

    yeah teachers are not very smart sometimes. that same thing sorta happened to me too. i see alot of guy teachers flirting with the girls.. it is so sad.

  21. Being comfortable with students isn't always a bad thing because at my school in Maplewood the students and teachers had really go relationships. With a student population of about 350 the teachers were able to get to know their students on more than just an academic level. I'm not saying thst their was funny buisness going on just that if a student was dealing with something outside of school that the could talk to the teachers. I had a teacher named Dan Reeve and when I lost my house and was living in hotels for monthes, I spoke to him and he had me come live with them and I lived with him for my junior and senior years at Maplewood. I think that its very professional for their to be a relationship built up with students and teachers. How is a person going to teach someone if they don't even know that person name without looking at his class roster. I'm not saying that students should be partying with teachers just that students should be able to tell their teachers that their are something going on in their lives that they need help with, like me and my family.

  22. To, Nicole Manno

    I also had a teacher in my middle school that was way too close with the students. This young man would hang out with the young girls after school and all the boys thought he was a creep. After my 8th grade year some speculations came out that he slept with a girl fro my class and the man was fired and arrested. On my senior homecoming football game that teacher showed up and was talking to that young lady and me and my friends saw that girl leave with him. Those kind of teachers are what worry me and make me want to homeschool. LOL

  23. Wow, reading all of this really makes me realize how blessed I've been - I have never had problems with a teacher acting inappropriately. I have had several teachers who were really open and friendly with the students and made it clear that they cared about what was happening in your life, but they were also very good about always speaking to students in a public enough place where they were above suspicion. For example, I have one teacher who was always very gracious about asking me how things were going, and I felt that I could talk to him about questions or problems I had, but he would always greet me in an open area where there were other people and it would be clear that nothing weird was going on. I think it must be hard for teachers to strike a balance in this day and age between showing a interest in their student's well-being but not being "interested" in their students in a creepy way. It is so easy for actions to be misconstrued.

  24. In response to Lisa, Dana and Chelsea,
    That is so sad to hear about teachers discouraging students from an area in which they have gifts or interests - that is exactly the opposite of what they should be doing! I experienced kind of the opposite of this, because I had a teacher that was of the opinion that I should major in a field that I really didn't want to go into, and even though they never said it outright, it always felt like they thought I wasn't going to succeed in the area that I had chosen.

  25. Looking back, one of my guidance counselors stands out. He was a great guy, and treated the students as equals. All of the students prefered seeing him when they had problems or issues with their schedules, because the other counselors came off as irritable and impatient. I know I made use of his help when i could my senior year. there were a lot of things going on at home, and I just needed someone whom i could share how I was feeling and give advice appropriately. He was very professional in everything he did and that stood out to me.

  26. To MANY of the posts,
    WOW!!! I really don't know how to respond to them. There is a certain line that teachers, not to mention adults, shouldn't cross. Not only is it unprofessional, it's also illegal. That fact speaks for itself.

  27. I have to say that I have been very lucky to have not encountered any unprofessional teachers. I also didn't get involved in any of the drama at my school, so if there was something going on, I probably wouldn't have known about it.

    What I can say is that my step-daughter has a teacher that I believe to be unprofessional. The teacher allows her to skip other classes and sit in her class. She had her for the last block of the day and would allow her to leave and go home early (without parental knowledge or permission). She would engage in derogatory conversations with her about other teachers. I didn't find any of it appropriate. She also had another teacher that took a good deal of class time to talk about her personal problems to the entire class. While I understand at some point you might be having a bad day and say to the class, "Hey guys, be a little patient with me today, I'm not having a good day." But, to go into explicit detail about personal problems, including financial ones, was wrong in my opinion. She even let my step-daughter bring home a huge stack of papers to grade for her. I didn't think that was fair for my step-daughter to take on her teacher's burden, nor was it okay for her to see the other student's work.

  28. @ Jessica Morelli...
    It frustrates me when teachers are known to have the "blow off" class. And, no offense, but it is often the teacher who is also a coach that has those classes. But, it especially bothers me when those teachers are biased to their athletes, or girls in this case. They really should be held to the same standard as all other teachers.

  29. At my high school we had many great teachers. There was an instance my senior year that involved my business teacher. He was driving out of the parking lot and hit another car. He drove off and cut off another person in doing so. When the principal asked him about the polic report filed against him he said that he left because there was no damage to any of the cars, but he didn't even get out of the car. He was constantly blaming his own faults on everyone else

  30. In response to Jessica,

    I think that happens alot with teacher/coaches, especially if they are young. I have never seen this first hand because I attended an all boys school, but this seems to becoming more and more common every year.

  31. In my high school we had more than five counselors and being that they had many jobs it was necessary, but one of two of the counselors would allow students to "help" them. This involved letting the students leave their real classes to come hang out in the counselors office and sometimes even leave campus for lunch, which wasn't allowed at our school. It was just very unprofessional because counselors are there to guide students and also set standards. If a teacher or counselor isn't setting a good example, how can the students be expected to behave and follow rules.

  32. @ Crysta.Cleary

    That's completely uncomfortable and is one of the major examples of an unprofessional teacher. I don't think anyone will ever be able to understand why some people act like that, it's disguting in itself and can turn kids off from learning.

  33. There was a teacher in my high school who was caught looking at porn on the computer...they were not fired for this. It did not sit well with parents, students, and other faculty members. Everyone saw it as being very wrong and it should have been handled differently. It was un professional because that's disrespectful to be doing that at school. It affected us students, because it creeped us out. It made students, especiall y girls nervous to be around them. I really wish this situation would have been handled differently.

  34. @ Trevor...
    thats really sad that a teacher couldn't act like an adult and not stick around after the accident to see what he needed to do. Teachers are suppose to be role models for the students, and if they are running away from their problems what is that teaching the students?

  35. I feel so blessed after reading all of this. I have only had to deal with one teacher who creeped me out a little bit. There were a few times when I would be sitting in an empty room studying, and this teacher would walk by and turn back around to stop by and chat when he saw me. That made me uncomfortable around that particular teacher, but I think he got the vibe that he made me uncomfortable so he left me alone. I thought that his walking past the open door and then circling back when he had seen that it was just me in the room was somewhat unprofessional and that he should not have done it, but I was very happy when he stopped without me having to have my dad call the school.

  36. In response to Lisa,

    I agree with you, what that teacher and guidance counselor did was extremely unprofessional. I have actually had to deal with a teacher trying to convince me that majoring in any other subject than math would be preferable. I found that that teachers determination to try and sway me was completely uncalled for and very rude especially after I told him that I wanted to major in math.
    No teacher should ever try to tell one of their students that they wont succeed.

  37. In response to Jessica Morelli,

    There is an older teacher at my high school who flirted with all the girls too and gave them better grades. One time he even refused to give me my make up for from two excused absences and would allow almost any girl to turn in anything whenever they wanted to. Pretty frustrating. I eventually did get my make up work after talking to people in the office about it.

  38. One teacher at my high school was very effective, Mr. Ulmer. He always made everything fun and interesting. Everyone looked forward to going to his class. You can tell by the way that he teaches that he cares about each and everyone of his students.

  39. There were quite a few cases at my high school of teachers acting unprofessinally. Its really a shame because my school had a bad repuation as it is and these teachers really made the teachers who did their job seem guilty of something as well. One teacher was known to carry on affairs with his students and the tennis team he coached. With one girl, after she graduated, they would go out the movie theater where most of the kids would go. First of all, the relationship in itself was unprofessinal and illegal, the fact that he flaunted in front of the students is in extreamly bad taste.

  40. in responce to Melanie Rottger

    At my school my senior year there was also a teacher who got caught watching porn. He was fired however and the class had subs for an entire year. He was already deemed creepy because he was extreamly gender biased and would always seat the girls towards the front of the room facing his desk. I agree that your teacher should have been fired. Its completely inapprotete for a teacher to be watching in the class room.

  41. i had a teacher in high school (my mathematics teacher) who was really hippie with dreadlocks and always asked students to call him by his name, talk to him as a friend. It's just after high school that I learnt that this teacher was going to students parties sometimes. I believe that it's not professional because his behavior made me think he was a friend and I can tell that everybody in our class never listen him and just thought that maths were games. As teachers, we have to be careful on how we want our students to see us and also don't try to be friends with them...it's my personal thinking about professionalism

  42. A young teacher (23 years old) at my high school would severly flirt & socialize with the attractive high school juniors & seniors. She would buy them alcohol, meet up during the weekends & would text them outside of school. She never really hung out or dated any of the stuents (that we know of) but her actions still crossed the line.

    Another teacher at an alementary school by my house was very nice & respected amoung both the students as well as their parents. He abruptly moved schools & later it was made public that he had an affair with one of the other teachers at his school. So the district made him move. The sad part is that he had a young daughter who just survived leukemia & he was open about her cancer. People who had sympathized with him a month before we disgusted by his actions.

  43. In response to Nickie.

    I agree with what you had to say about your step-daughters teacher. Unfortunately I have seen teachers act this way in my high school. It is as if teachers are scared to be the authority to students. Some teachers try too hard to be their students best friend. When my mom hears these stories, she is amazed. She is 45 years old & when she was in high school kids would never act the way they do to their teachers now. It's amazing how times have changed. Teachers all need to refocuse their energy on the students cognitive benefit, rather than their friendliness factor.

  44. in response to Anna Harkins, Does the teacher you are talking about has been fired or punished? I really believe that having relationship with a student is unprofessional and to this case, the teacher should be sanctionned.

  45. wowzy, from reading these posts, it makes me glad that I was homeschooled and never had to deal with teachers such as these! (I'm talking about the bad ones, obviously.) However, so far in college, I have had one VERY interesting teacher who would actually CUSS OUT students if they were not completing the "tasks" in the exact way that this teacher thought they should. During this class, I was more of an assistant to her than someone actually taking the class, but almost every day we met, I ended up feeling quite terrible for whoever got unlucky and didn't quite complete what they were assigned. I can see why it would be frustrating to a teacher to tell a student to do something and have it not done the right way, but throwing a hissy-fit and slandering them in front of an entire class is completely inexcusible. In my opinion. :)

  46. In response to Katie P:

    OH MY GOSH! The school really should move the girls' dressing room somewhere else... or the teacher's office! What he did was wrong on so many levels, but the school should have recognized this risk before it happened... I'm very sorry to hear about that.

  47. One of my teachers in high school was and still is very un proffesional. He would always get into other students business and talk to them very disrespectful. For example, he used to tell one of my friends that her sister would never amount to anything because of certain things that she has done in her life. He also has a facebook and tries to stalk all of his students. I have heard of numerous times where he has hooked up with students that have already graduated so he never gets caught. I never liked him and I thought he was very un professional. No teacher should ever act like that.

  48. In response to Rochoux Melissa...

    I completey agree with you about how as teachers, we have to watch the things we do. Acting as the students friends is not the professional way to go. We are teaching them not be friending them. It is okay to be as a role model and maybe counselor at times but not a friend. As professionals we need to watch and be careful with the actions we take!!

  49. Everyone that responded back to me, I agree 100%. The whole classification of the coach having the 'blow off' class is ridiculous. I don't understand how the school doesn't hear about anything that goes on, or if they just ignore the fact since they have a winning record for their sport team. Either way it is very wrong. (not a day after I posted this my friend got a friend request in FB from hi!..how wrong is that!)

  50. I had a coach in highschool that was also a teacher that would only hang out with my friends and I after we graduated high school. I thought that was a very professional decision.

  51. In response to Rochoux Melissa...

    I agree with you on how teachers are there to teach students and not there to be friends with students. I do however think teachers can be friends with students, but the teachers need to know what is professional and what is not.

  52. I had a teacher in middle school that would be on his computer while we were working on stuff. We never knew what he was doing but when we went over to ask him a question some kind of spiderman thing was up on the computer. Until we found out that he was actually looking up porn, he got caught by a student and was fired. Needless to say I think it was a very unprofessional.

  53. In response to Rochoux Melissa...

    That I find is terrible, I do not see why the teacher would want to hang out with his students and do not know why they would want to hang out with their teacher.

  54. In highschool I had a teacher that thought it was ok to treat his students like they were his good friends. He was very unprofessional in the way he interacted with his classes and nothing was ever learned from his teaching. His language was very offensive and should not have been used in school.

  55. In response to Angela Lehn....

    I agree with you and how your teacher handled the situation. I think there definitly needs to be boundaries on how students and teachers should interact

  56. I have a story like most of you all. The teacher was married and was a P.E Teacher. He had a relationship with a seventeen year old student. He picked her up from one of the parties she was at and drove her home. But instead of going straight home they made a stop. The police noticed a car parked and went up to the window to find them in the car. In the end, he lost his job, wife, and respect from many people. A very sad situation, but hopefully people were learn from it. It was very unprofessional.

  57. My senior year of High school there was a student who was a football player who was caught have some sort of sexual relations with a SSD teacher. The thing that was so odd was that he had no IEP or anything so we all wondered how he even met this teacher. students and teachers noticed how they were hanging out a lot and red flags raised. However the teacher got busted by another teacher who did not like her so there was this big investigation and the teacher obviously left and faced charges I believe and can never teach again. I was so shocked I never would of thought she would do something like that, that by far is the most unprofessional thing a teacher can do. I knew this student so I along with some of my other friends were called to the office and was asked if I knew anything but I didn't. I was not affected at all it was just a shock

  58. One of my favorite teachers was my elementary art teacher. He was very professional, and even though he could be very intimidating he could also make learning and being in class fun. I think that teachers need respect from all of their students but to also make sure their students enjoy learning from them

  59. To Amanda Clark

    We had so many teachers call other students down to "Help" them also. It was the teachers favorite students. I believe that Teachers have a job. You can be nice to a student but should not cross the line. By doing this, the student feels closer to you than any other students. There is where the bad decisions start.

  60. One of my high scgool teachers found it funny to throw things at people when you did something wrong in her class. I don't think this is very professional. She would throw whatever she could get her hands on at you for silly things like sleeping in class or chewing gum. She kept tennis balls in her room just to throw them at students. If she couldn't find one then she would pick up erasers, pens, and other things like that. I can remember her throwing a mini stapler at someone in my class for chewing gum. I don't believe teachers should act in the way that she did when students didn't listen or she didn't get her way. I believe she should of been fired or the principal should of said something to her.

  61. I agree that students should not have personal relationships with teachers,especially male teachers and female students. This can prevent wrongly accused situations and all the stories posted before mine. Any teacher who is inappropriate with a student should not have a second chance.

  62. In regards to Jennifer Goodman,

    What were some of the things that your teacher did to make your class fun?

  63. An unprofessional teacher I had was during my elementary school years. It was a small private school in a rural area, so our classes were small and mixed with all sorts of learners; including special education and other students with disabilities.
    I had a girl in my class who had some sort of autism that caused her to rock back and forth constantly. One day, we were taking a test and she started rocking worse than normal. Some of my classmates got distracted and couldn't stop staring at this girl. So my teacher told her to stop rocking. The girl couldn't, and then started to loudly protest. My teacher ended up moving her to the hallway and duct taping both her body to the chair to prevent her from rocking, and her mouth shut to keep her quiet.
    I believe this to be extremely unprofessional, and probably illegal today. The teacher could have sent her to a counselor or even the office, but to duct tape her mouth shut? That's preposterous.
    It affected my learning because I couldn't believe someone, let alone a teacher, would be allowed to do that.

  64. I always found all of the music staff in my high school to be some of the best teachers in the state of Illinois. Something I always thought was very professional of one of my music teachers was that he was always very careful of balancing the fine line of the teacher student relationship. He is one of the greatest mentors I have even to this day. He would always be there for me to make sure he nurtured each one of his students educationally, but he also understands that students have emotions well and sometimes can't perform under strenuous circumstances. He was able to maintain students while keeping a professional distance from them, which I think is outstanding. I personally hope to model myself after him and be able to reach the level of teaching he is at.

  65. In response to Jennifer Goodman...

    I'm really glad you posted about a professional teacher who made an impact in your life.
    I think respect is important for students to have for their teachers, and I think the teachers should return it.

  66. There seem to be a lot of unprofessional teachers that we have all experienced. I especially don't like the teacher who throws things at a student when the got the answer wrong. That's a shame.

  67. In High School I had a teacher that was very unprofessional. This class was aimed at help future teachers experience some of the ends and outs of teaching. I would sit next to my best friend we would end up talking and laughing some times just like any other students. She pointed my friend and I out because I was smiling to much and I am a naturally smiley person. She started to raise her voice. She was like I don’t know if you guys are dating but I have no idea what is going on. Then she went on in front of the whole class. Saying how do you think I feel? What do you think I think when you guys are over here smiling? After all this she was like what do you want to teach? I said Art Education and her response was good I’m glad you will not be actually teaching children.

    I feel the way she handled this was very unprofessional. She should have asked my friend and I if we could talk after class. Instead she pointed us out in front of a room full of future teachers. Is that what she should be teaching future teachers?

  68. In response to Crysta.Cleary,

    I totally agree. Its scarry when an older person starts to hit on you. I also had a teacher like this in my high school.
